June 2025

A Good Route

Text & Images: Yimmy Yayo

Two months ago I, along with three young ladies, set out across the western states of the United States. Adventure, enjoyment and SXSW our goals, respectively. I’d always wanted to drive across America. From the earliest I can remember, Route 66 was the one. The glorified path for any traveler wishing to see the ‘real’ United States of America. What I wasn’t prepared for was the ‘real’ USA.

Firstly, Route 66 is a road less travelled, so it would seem. Closer to a myth than a route one would take these days, its option is outweighed by six lane arterial highways that shotgun one from major city to another, literally bypassing the towns of curiosity one would hope to experience on such a trip. We were headed south-east in any case, the 10 our guide, not the 66.

So what’s between LA and Austin? If my experience was anything to go by – gas stations, La Quinta Inns, souvenir stops and roughly one million Carl Jr’s. The trip wasn’t without it’s share of highlights though. In Tucson, we met a toothless truck driver who had just been released from jail after cooking meth for eight years. Unfortunately resembling Sloth from the Goonies and supposedly clean, but still offering us cocaine and heroine should our hearts desire, proceeded to buy shots for us all night. Hiding fireworks under the drivers seat while crossing customs just outside of El Paso. I heard rumour that if you shot a Mexican jumping the border, you could actually be rewarded. I didn’t test this one out, but kept a weathered eye in any case. Once in Texas we hit smaller roads, charismatic towns and witnessed fully grown bulls being strung up and skinned on the side of the road. You know… the usual.

Yimmy YayoYimmy YayoYimmy YayoYimmy YayoYimmy YayoYimmy YayoYimmy Yayo

Yimmy Yayo

Next story: After The Renaissance – David Capra