August 2025

A Time And A Place

Did that TV show 24 ever end? Was it supposed to end or was it supposed to go on forever? Like days, consecutive 24-hour lots, over and over till the end of time. But when is the end of time? Where do we as humans fit into time? Right now, I guess. Moments come and then they are gone. Times change, people grow. What I am trying to say is that, after 24 issues of The Blackmail, we are moving on. Our plans are big and they include our friends and contributors, but most of all they include you, our loyal, discerning readers. We have felt every one of your clicks and scrolls in our analytics, and in our hearts, and look forward to the day when you can hold us in your hands.

This issue, we have the inimitable DJ Nozaki, the enigmatic Donny Benet, Note to Self’s Max Olijnyk, Sydney-based designer Georgia Perry and the man in the woods, Warwick Baker. As well as the solo flyers, we have those who prefer double-file: Pageant’s Kate Reynolds and Amanda Cumming, big men on art campus Vasili Kaliman and Jarrod Rawlins, Mitch Brown and Sarah Grieve of Gang Atelier and the modern romantics at Lover. Flying the flag for group love is Sweden’s Little Dragon.

Welcome to Issue 24 of The Blackmail, our final issue in this format. The future is bright, so put on a sun visor and stay current on our blog.